After a huge amount of work along the creek over the last few months  we welcomed our “Riparian Course” students for 5 days of participatory learning.

What a group of inspirational people who want to look after riparian zones. Everyone had a relationship to a small area somewhere that they wanted to get to know better and help care for.

Arial View May 21st 2024

The photo above shows what it looked like when the group arrived; the brushing in place, logs for seating, holes prepped for planting, bridges, a slowly filling dam and yes a bit of green!

On the first day we introduced students to Mokidup Bilya ( Ellensbrook Catchment) and the special part of it that we are currently custodians of. We walked through bushland that has been comparatively untouched to gain a deeper understanding of our relationship to country and approaches to bushland regeneration. In the afternoon we explored the current project, looking at the challenges, decisions and actions that got us to this point.

We were welcomed to country by Noongar elder Vivian Brockman and created a land art meeting place under the beautiful Peppie trees.

Land art meeting place with Elaine Clotcherty and Vivian Brockman

The next morning students had an inspiring session on weed management, it was so good to see everyone coming in excited about weeds, their role in the environment and how to work with them. Then the fun started, after learning more about creek flow, especially about slowing, spreading and sinking water we got hands on creating riffles in the creek. This was done with a huge amount of energy, enthusiasm and vision.

Later that day we went back down to the Peppie area to hear about biodiversity and soil life before doing a small planting around these beautiful old trees. The planting was largely focused on habitat (especially the endangered Ring Tail possums) and included some special and little known plants that had been carefully propagated by Jen Stevens.

Constructing riffles in the creek

Then for an awe inspiring day with Simon Cherriman, wow this took the project to a whole new level! Learning about the Fauna of the area with someone as passionate and knowledgeable as Simon really gave us insight into how much we can do to  make a difference and bring life back into the system. I think we could have happily followed Simon around all week soaking up his love of nature and trying to glean just a little bit of knowledge from his vast understanding.


Simon putting a Black Cockatoo box up a tree planted by mum and dad

And then we were into a full day of plants! Exploring the amazing 5 year old planting that Ann Ward has done along the part of the Wooditjup Bilya (Margaret River) that passes by her place, learning about local riparian plants and a little about native plant  propagation. There’s so much to learn, I know everyone was a bit overwhelmed with plant names, growth habits, seed saving, cuttings and division but it also gave people an insight into the vast world of plants (and people that know about plants!). It was a a starting point for many and I’ve had a few emails asking about more information, contacts and resources, so it sure whet the appetite.

Dividing Juncus

Then we were there at Day 5 the big planting day! We were joined by  family and partners and together we got 1000 plants in the ground before a late long table lunch to celebrate. When we look over the creek now we see a sea of little green plastic bags and everyone of them contains a much loved little plant that has been planted with a vision of a thriving wetland full of life and biodiversity.

Morning tea for the planters

Then it rained!!!

It’s a new beginning and we have a long road ahead of us weeding, protecting, watering, replanting, weeding, protecting …..but it’s the best feeling in the world to be putting something back into nature and working alongside people who carry a deep love of nature and a desire to heal the land.

Planting done


Thank you (in order of teaching)

Elaine Clotcherty and Vivian Brockman-  Welcome to Country and Land Art.

Ian Hackett- Bush Walk and Principles of Bushland Regeneration.

Ann Ward- Nature Conservation Margaret River and Visit to her Garden.

Pete Lane- Geology of the region.

Rick Ensley- Weed management.

Rod Hughes- Understanding water catchments, water movement and the whole project.

Jen Stevens- Vast plant knowledge, seed propagation and biodiversity.

Jenny Bryce- Soil Life.

Simon Cherriman- Wildlife species and habitat creation.

Rod Cary- Local plant knowledge and propagation.

Dorothee Perez- Everything hands on!

A couple of testimonies

“I loved the 5 day course. It was a good mix of heady info, practical hands-in-the-soil and deeper connection-to-the-earth stuff. I have come away re-invigorated and feeling supported by a growing network of earth conscious people.” Andrew

“Jodie, Do and the Fair Harvest team have curated a super interesting short course in rewilding a partially degraded riparian environment. By bringing in passionate experts as teachers and gathering keen and actively minded participants! I loved the balance between theory, practice, variety, and the story of how the pathway to the regeneration was paved over the past few months and longer. Learning new things each day from so many angles including details of local birds, plants andl native animals to the honesty of practical problems encountered and solutions entertained. I loved camping and making breakfast and dinner in such good company with a beautiful lunch prepared for us each day. I think there was a mutual sense of enjoyment, gratitude for the experience and for the teamwork conducted by participants and the Fair Harvest locals alike!” Sally

So again thank you all so much for being a part of this continuing journey of Earth Restoration and caring for country


The team Rod Hughes, Dorothee Perez, Jodie Lane, Jen Stevens
















































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