It’s fantastic to have so many people interested in eating local food, even the local news. It’s an interesting...
Archive for category: Localvore for a Month
living of the land for the month of July
Reflections at the end of the Localvore month So the month is over, the kettle is on and I...
Localvore…….final week and a bag of flour After three weeks of going without grains and seeds and missing bread,...
Localvore…..2 weeks in For the Month of July I am being a Localvore, that is I am eating what...
Swapping is the best Following The Joy of the Humble Spud There is a certain pleasure derived from swapping...
The Joy of the Humble Spud Following Ode to the Broad Bean and Localvore for a Month After a week...
Ode to the Broad Bean (continued from “Plastic Free July…taking the challenge one step further” and Localvore for a...
Localvore for a Month Following my last post where I set the guidelines for the month… (Eat food that we...
Contact Fair Harvest.
Jodie Lane
426 Carters Road (Corner Burnside Rd) Margaret River, WA 6285
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday9:00 am – 5:00 pm