Festival of Fibre Program Nov 27 2016
Fair Harvest Permaculture 426 Carters Rd Margaret River W.A. from 10am – 4pm entry $10 kids $5 under 5’s free (ticket sales at the gate )
Thank you to everyone that has put their hands up to get involved in the Festival of Fibre , it’s shaping up to be a beautiful day. The program is evolving and will have plenty of family friendly hands- on activities……….there’s still space for more so don’t be shy if you want to get involved. Please see here for more details
We are also looking for volunteers on the day, please contact us using the form below for any enquiries.
Here’s the program so far………
Plant Fibres
Waljin’s Wardandi experiences …….
Join Mitchella Hutchins, Jordan MacDonald and other representatives from the Wardan Aboriginal Cultural Centre for interactive activities for all ages in indigenous fibre use including string making, tool making and more
Wild Art Weaving
Join local weaver and teacher Cynamon Aeria as she demonstrates a variety of techniques in preparing and weaving with plants found in the South West region – and in your own garden!
Ancient Skills for modern living……..hands on weaving for all ages using plants from the garden.
Geographe Community Landcare Nursery……
Display and information on local plants of traditional use (some plants for sale)
Display of plant fibres, plants used for fibres, hats, baskets, books and plenty of stories
Coral Hillier
Weaving everything plant fibre including NZ flax and banana
Our main goals are to represent the voice of WA hemp farmers, to educate and inform new farmers and the general public about the full industrial potential of low THC industrial hemp.
Demonstrating hemp products and hemp building material.
Talk about hemp building construction 2 pm
Hand made hemp paper…..Leslie will bring his special custom built paper making trailer …….fully interactive and family friendly
Animal Fibres
Specialising in luxurious mohair grown in the Margaret River Region. Raw fleece from Angora goats Puck and Dougal will be hand spun into yarn during the day. Some yarns will also blended with silk or other West Australian fibres like merino and alpaca.
Demonstrating fleece handling
Bee from Merri Bee Organic Farmacy and Terri Lloyd from Eden Valley Bio Dynamic farm, Dumbleyung .
Eden Valley has produced fine Merino wool for generations and this amazing wool will soon be available as knitting yarn of many beautiful colours, all achieved with natural dyes. Terri recently visited the the USA to learn more about the trend to natural dyes in the clothing sector. This can not come soon enough as the clothing industry is the second most polluting industry in the world because of the chemical dyes used. Bee will spin organic wool and alpaca fleece grown on the Farmacy in Nannup.
Felicity Haynes
Alpaca fleece, demonstrating wool carding
Dying animal fibres with natural plant dyes
Sue Smorthwaite – Yallingup Felt
My felting journey has taken me from thick felt slippers to fine nuno-felted silk tops. I have worked on two dimensional pieces and explored three dimensional works such as my Art to Wear garments and sculptural pieces.
I will be working on a project/s throughout the day showing the different stages of the felting process for people to see and answer any questions they may have.
Recycled Fibres
Cynda Miles
Hands on for all ages ……….demo string making with fabric and then sewing them into bowls etc.
Taking used materials and exploring techniques to create interesting, beautiful and functional things.EndFragment Watch…Share…Bring along some preloved items, fabrics, clothes, manchester, even a few embellishments and see what you can create!
Caroline Bannister
I’ have a table loom that I will demonstrate and get people to participate in recycled silk/material stripping etc to create a piece.
‘This event is supported by the South West Catchments Council’s Regional Landcare Facilitator Programme, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.’