International Permaculture day at South Fremantle High School

International Permaculture day at South Fremantle High School

International Permaculture Day 2014 will be celebrated around the world with open gardens, seed swap events, tours and talks.

“National Permaculture Day is a chance to share thoughts, visions and lots of common sense ways that we can all make a positive difference to the world we live in.Its all about combining age old truths and skills with new and innovative thinking and technologies …people,plants and landscapes growing together , designing and nurturing a healthy community along the way.”

Costa Georgiadis

Join us at Fair Harvest Margaret River on May 4th for;

10am  Free guided tour of the gardens at 10 am (including a talk by Claire Coleman about the new methods she is introducing into the Fair Harvest Gardens)…….please arrive at 9.45 so the tour can get started on time

11.30 am   Talk by myself (Jodie Lane) about Eat Local Week, the project I used in my application for the RIRDC Rural Woman’s Award and how you can be a part of it

12 midday   The last Locavore lunch cooked by Hannah before she heads off on her new journey (bookings appreciated)

Image 7Tunes by Sari Ellen Bennet

4 pm   Start of our 4th 2 week live-in Permaculture Design Certificate


If your in Perth, head to South Fremantle High School for a feast of events and activities., or check your local Permaculture group to see what they have planned….find out more at the Permaculture West website


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