May Permaculture Design Certificate 2017

The may Permaculture Design Certificate tends to creeps up on us so quickly after the January course but it always has a completely different energy. May is cool and often wet, we can have out door fires and we always have a smaller group. The best word I suppose is intimate, it feels like both teachers and students have a little more time to relax and get to know each other.


an outdoor classroom


We also get a chance to put any feedback from May directly into place and trial a few new ideas.

A PDC really can be an elusive thing. Based on an amazing book written by Bill Mollison 30 years ago Permaculture has spread and morphed, taken on new ideas, reached into far corners of the globe and had many more books written about it.

There is so much information out there available about Permaculture that one could be reading for an entire life time, so why do a course?

One reason of course is that a 72 hour PDC gives you a certificate that enables you to work in Permaculture, help spread the word, design systems, create gardens, co-ops, farms, work in developing countries and attend amazing conferences and convergences.



Another reason is that there is nothing quite like learning with a group of people who are all passionate about the future of the planet. Spending time together, eating good food together, getting to visit inspiring places and meet inspiring people together. A course itself is an opportunity to build the type of healthy community that permaculture aspires to and thats why we always run ours as a live in fully catered event.











Of course that’s not how everyone sees it and thats OK too, there’s different courses for different people and its the lack of conformity (or the abundance of Diversity) that has allowed the concept to grow and spread in the way it has. So choose a course that’s right for you.

There is always the challenge of how much hands-on “in the field” work to do on a course as overwhelmingly in the feedback has been that everyone loves getting out there and doing things. A PDC though is a design course and the majority of the “hands on” is focused around the design process (and we always have a real life design project as part of our course).












If we tried to do a lot of hands on garden, farming and building the critical learning elements of the course would drop aside. We know that people will have a whole life time to gain experience in the hands on techniques, but one thing we have come to offer is open gardening time with Do (our amazing food grower) every morning before class. For those that want to pick her brain and get their hands dirty this has proved invaluable.


harvesting veg

making calendula ointment











We also do as many field trips as possible as I believe it is important for participants to see that Permaculture looks different to everyone and everyone can create permaculture in their lives.












This is also why we employ a range of teachers each with their own style of presenting and interacting with students. At each course there are students that connect with one style better than others. 

So, back to the May PDC, what a great and diverse group. We are always blown out at the range of knowledge and experience we have in any one group and this was no exception; scientists, artists, gardeners, mechanics, travellers and musicians. People offered up their experience when they got inspired, we had a Sicilian feast cooked by Kane, Yoga with Lewis every morning, an amazing evening talk given by Oron. 


Kane cooking up a storm in the kitchen



Everyone applied themselves amazingly to the design process leaving the clients completely blown out by the quality of work.

So a huge congrats yet again to a wonderful group and hope to see you all for the Easter 2017 reunion!

Here’s a few lovely testimonials from the group…thanks you all x

“I was recommended to come on this course by friends. They said it would be life changing. I didn’t quite know what they meant but was keen to learn more about Permaculture and if it was fit for me. At the end of the 2 weeks I’m inspired, excited and a bit daunted….mostly inspired. I don’t think the dust has settled yet but it has definitely changed my perspective and given me direction.” Wink Lindsay

“ I cam eto do this course for the ethics and to meet like minded people. It has inspired me to keep pursuing my dream of living a non competitive healthy lifestyle close to friends and family. I think this course would be beneficial to anyone and everyone as what underpinned the course is so important”

“The PDC course is an awesome experience! Had so much fun and met so many great people. A fantastic learning experience. A totally different way to run a property run by creativity and imagination. So inspiring!”



to find out more about our next Permaculture Design Certificate  go here

to read more about our two week PDC courses

May 2012,

Getting ready for the PDC,hot water from the compost, 

January PDC 2014

January 2015 PDC

January 2016 PDC

January 2017 PDC

Learn Permaculture on a real life project



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