Thanks again to the generosity of so many !

We have raised $600 towards Blitzing gardens and people are still donating!

We have organized with the Tube Nursery to propagate a selection of  non-fire promoting local species to donate to gardens damaged during the fire, The Tube Nursery will also donate a number of plants for this project.

Vegie gardens are another great non-fire promoter and as always we are keen to help out there.

 Thank you also to No Frills for offering great deals on their organic fertilizers for this job.

Please let anyone you know who’s gardens were burnt that they can contact us for help in replanting. We are a big group of volunteers!

Please find below a list of non-fire promoting species, please find also a list of plants that are best kept out of these areas

Non-fire promoting species: (thank you to Janet Dufall for providing this list)

All plants will burn, and best practice should always be followed eg, keeping
overhanging foliage and limbs well clear of buildings; clearing an envelope around
buildings, etc.
Where fire resistant species are a priority, these are well worth seeking out, and are
generally regarded as not burning in the face of a flame, not just non-promoting.
Most are coastal and local, and should be priority plants in the fire resistant zone
around the building. All are good garden plants, and not weedy.
Atriplex spp. (Saltbush) L
Carpobrotus virescens (Pigface )L
Enchylaena tomentosa ( Ruby saltbush) L
Maireana spp. (Bluebush) L
Myoporum insulare (Prostrate boobialla)
Rhagodia baccata (saltbush) (coastal) L
Scaevola crassifolia fan flower (coastal) L
Threlkeldia diffusa (coast bonefruit) L
These species are non-fire promoting, but will burn when dried out.
Local species = L
Acacia cyclops, A. saligna. (when healthy and green), Wattle L
Acmena spp. (Lillypillies)
Alyogyne huegelii (Native Hibiscus) L
Anigozanthus flavidus (Tall Kangaroo Paw) L
Chorilaena quercifolia (Oak leaf chorilaena )L
Correa spp.
Dianella spp. Dianella L (some)
Dichondra repens (Kidney weed) L
Eremophila spp. (Poverty bush) L (some)
Eucalyptus patens (Blackbutt) L
Hymenosporum flavum (Native frangipani)
Jacksonia furcellata (stinkwood )L
Jacksonia horrida (stinkwood) L
Kennedia spp. L
Leucophyta brownii (Cushion bush)L
Hardenbergia comptoniana (Native Wisteria )L
Melaleuca preissiana (Paperbark) L
Melaleuca raphiophylla (Paperbark )L
Microlaena stipoides (good fire resistant ground cover and lawn, that doesn’t thatch)
Weeping Grass L
Olearia spp. Daisies (coastal) L (some)
Orthrosanthus spp. Morning Iris L (some)
Patersonia spp. L (some)
Please avoid these terrible weed species at all costs:
Any non-local eucalypt or wattle
Coprosma Mirror bush
Dietes spp.( Butterfly grass)
Dimorphotheca ecklonis (Veldt daisy)
Dodonaea viscosa “purpurea” (Purple hop bush)
Genista Broom
Homolanthus populifolius (Bleeding heart tree)
Lagunaria patersonia (Norfolk Island hibiscus)
Lavendula stoechas (Italian lavender)
Leptospermum laevigatum (Victorian teatree)
Melaleuca armillaris (Bracelet honeymyrtle)
Pittosporum undulatum (Mock orange)
Polygala (Butterfly bush)
Podalyria (Silk bush)
Psoralea pinnata Taylorina
Robinia (all)


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