Seed Savers Margaret River
Thanks to Troy and all that attended the seed savers workshop over the weekend we now have a Margaret River Seed Savers Group. Everyone got super enthusiastic when the seeds and plant material came out and busily got to work winnowing seeds and squishing fruit. The barn was a hive of activity as packets were and stuck in back pockets and fruits were passed around that had never been tasted before.
Getting together to do is fun so we decided that roughly every 2 months we’ll do just that………… in the barn to clean, save and swap seeds and plant material………….everyone is welcome especially those who have nothing to swap as this couldn’t be a better way to start.
Next meeting is on the 31st of March, 9 am – 11am in the Fair Harvest Barn……….bring seeds and plant material if you have them, Morning Tea to share and a gold coin donation
If you want to find us on the Seed Saver Network go to