Community is a part of Permaculture. The ethics of Earth Care People Care and Fair Share call us to think beyond gardening and farming to how we integrate this with our community.
For some this means creating communal living, for others this means developing community in their suburb, town or village. Embracing the people we share this planet with and sharing resources with them is just as important as growing food to feed them. We find that many of our students come to permaculture through developing school gardens, community gardens, working in developing countries or wanting to find a way to share their lives with others that want to increase the health of their community.
A few we are involved with community ;
…. a monthly swap that welcomes all to swap plants, produce and seeds is now held at the Margaret River Organic Garden on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.
Fair Harvest Festival
….each year at the end of November we chose a theme around sustainability and welcome people to share their skills and knowledge with the community. Our festivals have included
2012 Festival of Forgotten Skills
2013 Bee Fair
2014 Festival of Forgotten Skills
2015 Beanie Festival
2016 Festival of Fibre
2017 Festival of No Waste
and coming soon
2018 Catch and Store Energy Festival
The 8th of March every year is a day for women to gather in solidarity. At Fair Harvest we include both the fun and the serious by having talks music and a very special Cloths Swap. We are always open to your ideas.
We often welcome volunteers onto the farm, please contact us if you wish to help out.
Fair Harvest is an active member of Transition Margaret River and works together with local Transition members on projects such as “Sustainable Pavilion at the Margaret River Agricultural show”, Sustainable House Day, International Peace Day and numerous other events.
Linking with local Festivals and Events
Margaret River is home to a number of events and festivals, we are often involved with these, include;
Readers and Writers Festival, Cabin Fever, Margaret River Open Studios,