
Localvore for a Month

This page is about my decision to live off the land for the month of July. It was a decision that came out of the “Plastic Free July” movement and as I thought more about it I decided to have a go at becoming a true “Localvore” for a month. It’s something I’m doing for myself, for my connection with the land and my health. It is also something I am doing as a project of learning about what our community really does have to offer in terms of local sustenance and what we are missing.

Here are the guidelines I have set for myself;

  • Eat food that we have grown here on the farm
  • Swap and barter with neighbours
  • Ride my bike and my horse only for transport
  • Cook only using wood (grown on the farm)
  • Use only hot water from the wood stove or compost shower

The following are a series of blogs I am doing along the way, please feel free to comment…

Localvore on the news

It’s fantastic to have so many people interested in eating local food, even the local news. It’s an interesting angle they took on our “localvore month” but the best thing is that they are interested, hopefully encouraging more people to think about where their food is coming from. Click the link below to see a short news clip

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Reflections at the end of the Localvore month

Reflections at the end of the Localvore month So the month is over, the kettle is on and I can eat and drink what ever I like, I don’t have to use the wood fired stove any more (but I’ve lit it anyway) and I’m allowed to use my car again (but I wish I wasn’t). It’s not only been […]

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Localvore….final week and a bag of flour

Localvore…….final week and a bag of flour After three weeks of going without grains and seeds and missing bread, pasta, rice, muesli and other staple products I have bought a bag of Eden Valley Biodynamic flour. Its mid winter and I decided to do this challenge (see more) only a couple of weeks before it started so here is my […]

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Localvore…..2 weeks in

Localvore…..2 weeks in For the Month of July I am being a Localvore, that is I am eating what is grown here on the farm and trading some produce with other local growers from our town, Margaret River in the South West of Australia. I have also chosen not to use my car for the month and to only cook […]

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Swapping is the best

Swapping is the best Following The Joy of the Humble Spud There is a certain pleasure derived from swapping that you just cant get from buying and selling. Swapping involves people and stories, you can’t swap something without having a chat, quite often a cuppa and depending on the time of day a bottle of local brew. The other thing […]

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The Joy of the Humble Spud

The Joy of the Humble Spud Following Ode to the Broad Bean and Localvore for a Month After a week on the farm I woke up on Saturday morning to a beautiful, clear, freezing winters day and decided to ride my bike to the farmers market. It’s a 5 km ride sloping gently downhill all the way there, and going through […]

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Ode to the Broad Bean

Ode to the Broad Bean (continued from “Plastic Free July…taking the challenge one step further” and Localvore for a month) I’ve always been impressed with broad beans (otherwise known as fava beans), they are truly a plant that grows with our seasons. Plant them when the rains start (you can still plant them now) and they’ll grow, they tolerate most […]

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Localvore for a Month

Localvore for a Month Following my last post where I set the guidelines for the month… (Eat food that we have grown here on the farm, Swap and barter with neighbours, Ride my bike and my horse only for transport, Cook only using wood (grown on the farm),Use only hot water from the wood stove or compost shower) Well here I am into my 3rd […]

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