Thanks Rowe Morrow for encouraging me to tell everyone exactly what they are eating! It’s important so here goes.

Sunday Lunch at Fair Harvest

Thanks for joining us for one of our special Sunday lunches, here’s a little explanation of what was on your plate. I’ll start by saying that all fruit, veggies, eggs, honey and meat are from Fair Harvest.  I do all the cooking myself (often with a helper on Saturday) and it takes me 3 or 4 days to prep for one Sunday lunch for between 80 – 100 people.

The garden absolutely inspires me and my cooking and the meal slowly evolves over the days depending on the produce, the weather and the mood. My beautiful partner Dorothee spends her life growing the food and never fails to produce the most abundant harvest.


Dorothee and a harvest

I respect dietary needs and differences so do my best to cater for everyones needs, our menu consists of one option from the Paddock (meat) option, one From the Chook House (includes eggs and usually cheese) and one from the Veggie Patch (vegan option). I include GF options wherever possible and make sure that everyone is able to indulge in not only lunch but also dessert.


Most of our produce is used to cater for courses, retreats and events at Fair Harvest. A large amount of this is used fresh but a lot is also pickled, fermented, dried or frozen for future use which is why eating a home grown meal at Fair Harvest often includes out of season produce.

I do buy local produce from the farmers marketKoonac Goat Farm , Margaret River Wood Fired Bread  , zoop zoop sourdough Yahava Coffee, Seven seas tea, Margaret River Chai Company as well as seeds, grains, nuts from South West Provisions.

So here is a quick look at this week’s menu, it’s not the recipes (although that is coming), and it’s not every ingredient, it’s just a little about each dish and how it came to be.

Sunday Lunch Menu Dec 4th 2022

Starters and Drinks

Spritz – pomegranate, orange and mint.

The Pomegranate was harvested in April last year and  we removed all the seeds and froze them.

The oranges we harvested fro our friends orchard down the road.

The mint was from the back door.

A refreshing mix to add to carbonated water


Crackers  (GF)

An easy all time favourite, and here’s a link to the recipe!

Margaret River Wood fired Bread


White beans with our lemons, garlic and rosemary.

  • From the Farm…

Corned Beef/ salad/horse radish cream, Rye Bread, asparagus

Beef born and raised here at Fair Harvest. Home cured and frozen.



Of course all from our garden. lettuce, carrots, beetroot, asparagus, snow peas, chives.


Dug fresh from our garden on Thursday


Home made using our own eggs

Zuch Pickle

Made from last seasons zucchinis harvest.

  • From the Chooks

    Home made tart with roast veggies, sun dried tomatoes and goats cheese.

    Served with Kasundi and Salad


I make the pastry on Saturday using biodynamic Eden valley flour and local olive oil.

I roast the veggies off on Saturday also (all from the garden of course). Sun dried tomatoes were from last years crop.

On Sunday morning I baked the pastry cases then fill them with the veggies then made the custard with local goats cheese and our amazing eggs.


One of my favourite condiments that I make when we have tomato abundance, also contains our chillies and garlic (as well as lots of other spices)


There’s that specialty again, all picked fresh on Sunday morning and wheelbarrowed into the kitchen.

  • From the garden

Veggie Curry, Dahl, Organic Brown Rice and Condiments

Veggie Curry

Our carrots are trying to bolt at the moment so there was a big harvest of carrots that weren’t ideal for salad but just perfect for curry,  added with the excess zucchini’s, fresh garlic and other spices and yum there’s a curry.


Aclassic dahl  was changed up a bit with  beetroot leaves and russian garlic.

Snow peas, zucchini in sesame seeds and tamari made a great side


Tomato kasundi AND my favourite date and lime pickle (made with our abundance of limes)


As I made all of our almond milk for the coffees I had plenty of almond meal left for cakes.

Nectarine and Almond cake (Ve , GF) …. made with that first nectarine harvest

Upside down rhubarb cake (GF) …

Sponge cake …. the yellowest sponges made from our eggs and filled up with home made jam

Choc Hazelnut cake (GF) … as wicked as a Gluten free, sugar free cake can be. The only farm ingredient here is the eggs!

all served with fresh fruit, cream and a little FH plum coolie.


That pretty much wraps up another Cafe day, and with a massive thanks to our wonderful staff and our loyal customers I’ll wrap up this little blurb.

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